Schooled by Gordon Korman: A Novel Teaching Guide


Schooled by Gordon Kormam

Schooled by Gordon Korman Teaching Guide is a 196- page resource for teaching Gordon Korman’s delightfully serious story with nine different CCSS-aligned components.

Schooled by Gordon Korman Teaching Guide Components:
•PREREADING activities and ideas with a bulletin board suggestion.
•INFORMATIONAL TEXTS with CCSS aligned questions.
•VOCABULARY with word lists, definitions, dictionary activities, and worksheets.
•Chapter-by-chapter SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS that require detailed,
factual responses.
•A series of OBJECTIVE TESTS that cover the novel as chapter-by-chapter quizzes and as a whole book test and check for basic story comprehension.
•Chapter-by-chapter and whole book CCSS QUIZZES presented in test format. Each page also includes a CCSS-aligned writing challenge.
•THINK, WRITE, CREATE open-ended prompts, both chapter-by-chapter and whole book, that target the higher level thinking skills.
•GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS for writing based on specific novel events or characters.
•Full ANSWER KEYS for those items requiring a specific answer are included.
CCSS alignments, except for Think, Write, Create, are listed in the keys.

Download sample pages HERE.

NOTE:  All Schooled listed below are part of this complete Schooled by Gordon Korman Teaching Guide.  Individual components are offered for separate purchase for teacher convenience.


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