Christmas Song Titles in Gobbledygook Brain Teaser


Gobbledygook, high-sounding language that confuses and amuses, is the subject of this fun Christmas activity. Students are challenged to identify the titles of twenty-six popular Christmas tunes written in extreme gobbledygook. The activity is organized into two handouts–Set One with twelve titles and Set Two with fourteen. An introductory page for students explains the nature and origin of the term.
The last page is a graphic organizer for writing a letter to Santa in gobbledygook.
Though some youngsters may be initially flabbergasted, do give this lively lesson a try. What better way to provide insight into the fun and the power of words?
Post Script: Feedback indicates that this product is at hit at adult and family Christmas gatherings and in teachers’ lounges. After all, why should our students have all the fun?


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